Does anybody actually like eating Brussel sprouts?
Does anybody actually like eating Brussel sprouts? I think they are terrible and I would like to see what others think?

just add butter

[+] 1 user Likes seventhveil7's post
Yes they are good, sometimes I throw them in a large bowl of cut up chicken, siced broussel sports, white rice with some soy sauce and alvacados sliced on top.

[+] 1 user Likes NewFlexEm's post
cut them in half, fry them in peanut oil or duck fat, and season with salt and pepper. I guarantee you'll be surprised at how good they are.

I love em! its best to toast them in the oven and add spices like paprika

I LOVE brussel sprouts.
Cut them in half, throw them in a big ziploc bag with salt, pepper, olive oil, and a bunch of garlic. Shake until everything is well coated and a little soaked, then spread on a baking tray and bake. You can probably find the exact numbers online by searching for recipes.

I actually quite do. Fried up with some salt they can be quite good

Cooked correctly, theyre delicious.

I honestly do! Its all about finding the right recipe and what you want to do with them.

I personally like using them as a side dish and I usually add garlic, butter, and bacon scraps.

brussels sprouts for me are tolerable but not my favorite. there's plenty of other vegetables that are better imo