Does anybody think Ubisoft absolutely sucks and needs to go bankrupt?
I have a load of games from them that are no longer active because they had to close my account and others due to a data breach, which means I lost access to all my game codes that I actually paid for. Their customer service is horrible when you contact them. I really wish gamers would all revolt and publicly drive the company into the ground.

Has anyone else had this experience with Ubisoft?

First and foremost I honestly never heard of that situation but that must really suck- my apologies.
Secondly, I haven't really had a negative experience with Ubisoft (other than being unable to play AC4 on PC) so my opinion on them as a whole isn't as heavy as let's say EA
I'm pretty sure every one who has ever surfed the internet can agree that that company should be driven to the ground, however, there are other companies (such as Ubisoft and Activision) that do need to do better in order to prevent from being another EA in the future.
I can agree that Ubisoft's customer service is trash and they definitely seem to have a bit of that greed in their blood like EA and others have.

Purchased their rainbow6 years ago and never played it. this company sucks

I use to love siege. In my opinion they killed the game. EA has some of the same issues tbh.

EA is also pretty bad. Games that require subscriptions in general are bad, it was much easier when you could actually own the disc or cartridge of the game.

I still like some of their games whether they did something bad or not. But i think you have a fair point by saying they ruined more games than they made better

i enjoyed some of their old games. the new game is pretty boring for me

Yeah, new games are just not the same as the older ones

I just miss the days of having actual games you physically own because now companies can pull the kind of nonsense that Ubisoft is pulling since technically you don't own the "game", you own the "licence" to play the game, which can be revoked at will by the company.

i don't know about bankrupt but they need to wake up

I don't like their deals sometimes

At this point i'm happy that their launcher is free @.@