Does anyone have any experience with meditating?
Its something I want to try out while practicing other positive habits, but I don't know where to start. 

Does anyone have any preferably free apps to recommend or YouTube videos to watch and get started? Does anyone have any experience or success stories with neditating?

I’ve had a really great experience with the Headspace app. They push the paid stuff a little too much these day but free portion is gat and will definitely give you a feel for if you like the experience.

Hey Lazarus

I applaud your move to positive habits. I’ll try to make this short, but informative.

I’ve meditated semi-habitually for almost a decade. I started doing it as part of martial arts training so there was no option for me to give up and for that I am grateful.

It helps me sleep better, helps me be more patient (I am a parent of 2 boys), and helps me focus (I think the better sleep contributes to that as well).

Similar to things like working out or yoga there are varying opinions on the best ways to do it, and plenty of self-proclaimed experts. I’m not going to tell you how to meditate, but more so try to give advice on finding what works for you.

#1 You more you do it the better you get. Period.

#2 When you meditate your mind will drift.

This is normal. When you bring it back; make sure to forgive that to yourself, it happens. Being frustrated when meditating is counter productive.

#3 Location and position is what you prefer.

Most prefer sitting. I find lying down confuses the act with sleep, so I sit. Some like to meditate in the same place all the time, others like to switch from a dark room to a calm outdoor setting. Again, all up to you.

#4 Time you do it and how long you do it.

Some people prefer always in the morning or evening, some prefer to just do it when time allows. I think routine can be helpful, but if you have a lifestyle that is not routine then you may develop the ability to meditate when you make time for it. With regards to the amount of time; I would say you of course need a minute or 2 to get into the mindset (especially early on), but as far as ceiling I think that you will find a time allotment that works for you. Also, you may find that if you are experiencing higher levels or stress that a longer meditation is beneficial.

#5 Focus on your breathing, this it the one thing I will say is not preferential. In the beginning I found I needed to do this, later on like most things you will develop habit and it won’t be a conscious act.

#6 Be patient with your progress. Man, like everything it takes a little time and development, but you will likely see some positive results fairly early on that will amplify over time.

I hope this helps man. It’s a good thing you are working towards.

I went to a therapist last year and he recommended an app called Insight Timer. The therapist was trash but the app has been good. Wish it was a little more organized though.