Does anyone have their own pool?
I am considering an in-ground pool, but wanted to get feedback from those here who have one.

What is maintenance really like? Do you use it often or is it like a pool table and is mostly unused? What are the things nobody tells you about having a pool that you wish someone had told you?

So, I had a pool growing up and my dad would always make me clean it and check the chlorine levels and other chemicals that kept the pool healthy. If you live in a place that is pretty windy and the pool is out in the open, you can expect to clean it more often then use it. I loved the pool when I was a kid, but I don't know if I want one for my own house when I settle down with a family. It is a fair amount of money and it is not a one time expense. Chorine tablets or powder, chemicals to check the levels, pool toys, equipment to clean the pool, under-water vacuums. There is a lot that goes into if if you want to keep it nice. Not to mention it will be cold most of the time. I grew up in San Diego and the pool was always freezing. If you get a hot tub attached, it will cost more money every time you heat it up and use it. In short, pools are great, but they are a lot of work if you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Hope that helps!

[+] 1 user Likes Kirk Kirk's post
Wow, thank you. This is huge. Exactly what I was looking for!

[+] 1 user Likes harolde157's post
Yeah feel like it isn’t worth the money and hassle

It’s alot of mainenance. Something breaks every year