Does posting in the "Adult" forum count as quality posting or not?
I feel like I've lost some points for posting there, but maybe I'm mistaken.

it does not. you lose contributer points

Posting in any leaks section is counted as trying to access that content. This causes you to lose contributor points.
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[Image: bde77860ca7faa1f89ec9c4c3771efcb.gif]

Lucifer NightStar Wrote:Posting in any leaks section is counted as trying to access that content. This causes you to lose contributor points.

RE: Does posting in the "Adult" forum count as quality posting or not?.

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It's another section.

Ah okay thanks for the info in that case

Adult content comments give -25 contribution, sadly

itll be alright

What does count as quality posting then?

not sure! i dont have any idea tho!

Miranda Carreon Wrote:What does count as quality posting then?

So to answer your question, basically you earn contribution points by posting anything, but your contributor level will be reduced if you post in the leaked section. The best way to keep your contributor level high and earn points at the same time is to either: 1) make threads 2) share content 3) post in the lounge. Hopefully this helps.

Wow, this is interesting. This website will be fun to interact with. So much rules and regs that keep trolls from running their trap.

I've the same problem
I post two times in the adult section and I losed 50 points of contributor level.
But adult section isn't in the leak section