Does size really matter?
Alright this can be a bit personal, but is size really the prime factor of having a good dong?

I'm a grower myself, but even in my final form, I feel like I'm lacking in power. Does anyone else feel the same?

[+] 2 users Like LeFriedChicken's post
I don't think so. I myself am a grower. like...I look like a newborn if it's kinda cold but show me a tata and i'M THE FCKN GREEN GIANT.

Honestly, i think at the end of the day it's confidence. Walk the walk a d let that flute float y'know

[+] 1 user Likes blando's post
It really does depend on how tight her pussy is and deep also.
But that isn't the primary thing for sure as hell women get be satisfied with a finger if you know how to turn them on and satisfy them.
It's most likely sex appeal and how you make her feel rather than size
Size does play a part in the act for sure but then again you can complete the holes left by your dong lacking a bit of size with sex appeal or the such in order to fully satisfy her. 

[+] 1 user Likes IndustryCarnage's post
It's not about the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean.

But in seriousness, I think it might matter to some degree, however it varies on the person you are doing it with. For example, if you are with a smaller girl/guy your size might seem a lot bigger, compared to being with a bigger partner. I think you can be too small that a woman might not be having a good time, however that doesn't mean your size isn't fine for someone else. However, when it comes to sex there are lot more things you can do in the bedroom other intercourse, so if you were to worry about your size, I'd say work on other skills to bring satisfaction.

Lesbians don't need a dick to have a good time, so you don't either. Unless whomever needs a good hard dicking, it matters a bit. Prep work and warm up are key, as well as pressure. That's the key, pressure! One of our greatest senses is the ability to sense pressure.

by the way you posted, you're referring to length. since size is a broad term let me explain both size 

a penis has length & girth,

in terms of which is more pleasurable for women it's debatable but what really matters is girth or the circumference
a womens vagaina is around 5inches or so women tend to clamp more on thicker dick than long thin ones, when having an intercourse. the more  the dick rubs on their vaginal wall 
the pleasurable it is for them, OFC the clit really is their weakest spot.

Communication is key as everyone has their own preferences. Vagina's aren't a foot deep and some girls might not like cervical stimulation.

Sex is not just about PIV.... Even though it might sound like total basic but foreplay is really important and should last at least 30 - 40 min to get her really turned on!

I don't know

I hope not lol