Does story matter?
I know this is a can of worms but I wanna hear. Story in video games has always been a staple. Then once online multiplayer became widespread and common, multiplayer became the focus of most games. Story has now either taken a back seat or cut entirely and focus has been given towards competitive ranked multiplayer games. 

Do you think this is a good thing for the gaming industry? Where would you want the industry to be in a few years time?

I think it's important.
Story doesn't matter in many multiplayer games. But there are still many people who enjoy single play.

There might be a bigger focus on multiplayer now but I do think that a lot of games are still coming out that have a story focus and dont resort to following whatever is popular in multiplayer at the time.

This is why games nowadays is trash, all graphics, not enough story.

Story line in single player games is what matters most when it comes to me enjoying and completing a game.

Honestly I think that it depends on the game your playing. Call of duty for example is a world renowned good fps mutlyplayer game, but any campaign past bo1 is pretty dog. Red Dead has a multyplayer but everyone likes it for the story.

Depends on the type of game. Any open world game pretty much needs it to get invested in it

A game need story. Game without story is bad

I prefer offline games, cant care less about multiplayer

Its okej to cut the story for agave like rocket league, but for all rpgs and so on there need to be a story

I rarely pay attention to stories in games, they typically feel too predictable/boring to me