Does technology simplify life or make it more complicated?
Found this question online and wanted to hear some takes on it. I feel like technology does both. It has made some aspects much simpler and others more complex. An example is cell phones. Now, phone calls are much easier and accesible everywhere. On the other hand, cell phone companies are so fixated on having more features than the others while consumers waste their money and time to get the few extra features which typically aren’t worth it. 
I would say there can be arguments made for both sides and I believe technology does both.

Quote: Does technology simplify life or make it more complicated?

The answer is YES.

I think the technology makes life simpler.
It was never so easy to check out places you would never even heard of or discover music you like without visiting your local music store.
you can also simply exchange information with your friends or family even when they are far apart.

Both more complex and more simple. It's simpler to find the weather forecast, for example, but now you get so much more info

Also making us lazier, think about the 1950s, the invention of the remote control was huge! The next thing big, especially in the industrial industry is automation. Makes life a lot easier.

they be making life easier but complicated at the same time

I'd add to those saying that it makes life easier: It also means we have a huge infrastructure to keep up, if we want that convenience. One war (or even one EMP) and there goes most of our infrastructure, and thus our convenience.

We're all going to the stars soon.

Both. It simplifies it to the point where we're overdependent - while also introducing a new set of problems associated with it.