Earliest gaming memories
I've been playing video games for a lot time. Yesterday I started a replay of Mario 64, the earliest game I remember playing. This got me wondering... what are people's earliest gaming memories? Your first game(s)?

[+] 1 user Likes Royaldude's post
Earliest? I'd probably have to say Final Fantasy or Metal Gear on the NES. Couldn't understand them at all when I was a kid, and they definitely haven't aged well enough to try and replay them now that I'm older.

Metal Slug on N64. On those arcade machines too.

Arcade's were a little before my time. How often did you used to go to them?

Making maps and dicking around on halo reach with my cousin was my first intro to gaming

my very first game was Plants vs Zombies

[+] 3 users Like hunderlooo's post
I adore Plants VS Zombies! Favorite credits sequence in a game. Really hate EA for what they did to the studio.

my earliest memory is Super Mario 64 as well. got it as a Christmas gift along with the console when I was a kid

Quote:Gotta be DOOM or Wolfenstein on my old 95 and 98 PCs.

Donkey Kong Country for the game boy.

I remember playing Mario with my dad. He was for some reason really good at it so when I died and it was his turn he would go through so much of the game.

Tomba 2, i come from a third world country, my grandfather bought us PlayStation 1 right before he died of cancer and my dad bought games for us, he'd sit with me and my brother translating the dialogues from a japanese translated to english game

My earliest gaming memory is playing Super Mario World with my mother on our Super Nintendo.  Blush

The first game I got was Smash Bros for the N64, I was 6. It's still my favorite franchise.

metal gear solid e gta vice city

Playing lego star wars on my friends computer