She's 24 now, which means she's middle age in porn years. I haven't really seen much of her, so I googled her, and it looks like she's been in nothing really interesting. If she's doing anal, then her agent sucks at getting her work, or is actively working against her. Sometimes the industry heads put out word not to give work to certain actresses, so that they can make them do anal or niggers. Unless you bring in a shit ton of money, the industry will chew you up and spit you out and laugh at you when they find an 18 year old (who's probably almost there) that fits your profile and they don't need you. They also ply them with drugs, and give them a handler, to control them, usually in the form of an abusive boyfriend/pimp.
I'd bet money that the porn industry would lose a shit ton of money and most of their popularity if the industry's dirty laundry were made public.