Empornium Status
Don't know how many here have an account there, but anyone know the status of that place? Servers been down for ages...

I miss the old empornium. Great place to be, was a great community.

The current empornium is still up, partly though. More info:

RE: Empornium Status.

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[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
I think it was lack of income compared to how much they were paying to keep the servers up, it was hype though when it was around

The site is down because of the fire, right? The server-house that burned to the ground? Might not have enough funds to bring the site back up?

Yeah sad to hear that

Wow I had no idea it was still going at all, I had an account there many years ago when they first shut off registration then forgot about it

I need some light too

there is an irc for emp that you can ask for. an emp inv is very expensive. im glad i didnt buy one

how much is very expensive? is there a discord?

Is it that much better than this forum?