Ever heard of Dystopian book?
Utopia is always dreamed of mankind but what about the tragedies utopia can give? This where dystopia enters where society is starting to be frightening and dehumanizing. Without further redo this is my book recommendation to dystopian society: 
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I actually have a physical copy of 1984. Never finished it. Might just give it a second try


[+] 1 user Likes Uni01's post
When I observe that Big Brother(TV Franchise) is based on this book? I got interested and read this book hastily. Gampai reading your book.


In part yes, due to the constant surveilance. But i believe the book is more interesting regarding the way the goverment manipulates what people think and believe to be true.

This is becoming a reality on the social media era

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[+] 2 users Like DaneelOliva's post
Thanks very nice stuff

George orwell is an awesome author in this genre

Thanks for the share

1984 and Brave New World are essential reads for everyone in my opinion...

I would also add Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury to the list.