FED politics - cheap money forever?
When reading the news papers nowadays I read lines like
"Federal Reserve officials continue discussions about how to detail plans to support the economy now that they have adopted a strategy to keep interest rates lower for longer."

and I ask myself how long can we continue this way? Will we have cheap money forever or how will this all come to an end?

What are your thoughts and ideas to this serious problem of our time??

I feel like low interest rates are here to stay for a while...I also feel like the deficit is here to stay for a while. We haven't really made a dent in that in a long time - however it doesn't seem to matter since we can keep printing money!

One of the issues with the globalization of the economy is that it makes it really tough for strong economies to raise the interest rates, as it will hurt the export.

money machine go brrrr

Buy the dip, we're all gonna make it bros!

He bought?

Dump it.

should be great for every1 then