Facebook Dying Out
Facebook to this day, has one of the biggest user populations out of any digital mediums, though active users have started to crash since 2017 at the least. Would other social media giants like Instagram and TikTok eventually make Facebook irrelevant in some capacities? Though I do doubt that Facebook will go anytime soon.

I think Facebook is still the best platform for keeping in touch with friends and family. Other social media giants are about a particular way of consuming content, with social networking as a factor for gaining users. Facebook is all about the social network and the other content is the aside. Instagram is also more in this space which is probably why Facebook bought them.

I hope so they don’t seem to care about user privacy or keeping their user’s data safe instead just trying to collect as much of it as possible to sell to advertisers, insurance companies and more.

Facebook is dying because it stopped being about being in touch with friends and family and started being about censorship and tracking and pushing narratives. People already get that from the MSM, they didn't want that from other sources.

It isn't dying out

Not really, it's just a place dominated wih boomer now

Facebook killed Myspace what will kill Facebook?

Facebook has a hard time getting younger people on the platform... If they dont find a way to start attracting the youth I think the platform will slowly die

Facebook owns instagram dipshit

^ yup, exactly. And IG attracts younger, so there's still, not yet anyway, a Facebook killer.

Facebook already owns instagram, snapchat and whatsapp, they’re not really competing with those.

Quote: Facebook already owns instagram, snapchat and whatsapp, they’re not really competing with those.
That's how Facebook is staying alive and relevant. Buy everything that is actually popular and relevent so that Facebook stays alive.

The people that were in college 2005-2012 were those that were heavily into Facebook. Once they stop considering that a viable option, Facebook will effectively lose its appeal to the real world. I think their execs know this, but they can't stop it.

It wont die out because it has no competition right now

^ yup, exactly.

JdjsjdjejbfjdSleepy I’m

facebook will really die in the next years

Nothing, no competition.

Facebook will die when the government agency that actually runs it decided to replace it with someone. And Myspace died because that was a private company that wasn't "cooperating" with whatever government agency wanted access to their user base.

I feel like FB is here to stay for a while. Even though its popularity is falling in the US, its actually growing in popularity in the 2nd or 3rd world countries that are just getting to it.

Even in the US, although it's definitely past it's prime, it'll probably still stay afloat due to all of the acquisitions like Insta.

I dont think facebook is going anywhere anytime soon