Falling for a stripper
So I’m into this niche and there’s tons of these fb groups where people connect about it. I recently met this girl who’s been getting into the industry and she’s super attractive and great to talk to. The problem is that I have a girlfriend who doesn’t know about any of this. What should I do? What woyld you do?

[+] 1 user Likes joachimlee's post
i guess you know tour life better than i do just follow your heart/mind dont follow your dick but if you decided to go for the new girl dont be an asshole and cheat just tell your gf the truth beacsue that's life dude ppl come and go

[+] 1 user Likes itachieuu's post
have your fun with the stripper but if you don't see a future with the girlfriend, just end it sooner rather than later
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Unless your gf is totally fine with an open/poly relationship, I'd say either stick with her and dump the stripper or get with the stripper and dump the gf. Unless they're both into it, you can't have both of them. It always ends up poorly.

Better tell your gf about ask her opinion, dont damage ur relationship for one time fun.

Yooo my dude. That’s some fucked up shit. I kinda been in that situation myself, I had started developing feels for a slutty girl. I knew she wasn’t a keeper, but shit she was hot AF and great to talk to. What I did was fucced her a few times, then constantly reminding myself that she isn’t to be trusted. Soon, she made herself a boyfriend, then another one then another one etc etc. I’d stay I don’t regret it. My advice, Think about her and if she is trustworthy. She probably isn’t, so please my guy, don’t dump your girl for a hoe(unless you have problems urself with your gf). Whatever you do, never open up to that bitcc, do what u gotta do, but dont put ur soul in it.

Know your surrounds

If you are happy with your girlfriend and want to stay that way, just chill dude. Don't wanna ruin some happy healthy relationship just for one night of fuck.
Unless is no that going that well and the relationship is doing bad just go for it, but for love of god break up with her first!!! you don't want to have a headache

Think real hard about this. Who do you love more and who would you want to spend your future with? Its a big choice and if you really do choose the stripper, talk to your gf about it and tell her so she will be able to move on if you choose the stripper over her

My personal opinion but how do you know that the stripper actually likes you? It’s literally a strippers job to get men to like them. How do you know that her feelings are real and if she is actually into you?

If you will cheating, just tell the truth to your girlfriend that you dont want her anymore.
If you start to waver, that means isnt good because you don't really love her, or maybe between you and her, it's not going well.
The best way to maintain a good relationship is the communication.

I think you could be respectful and, at the same time, be happy with your choice. If you really are falling for this new girl and she also is into you i think that even if she's a stripper and people could tell you "well, i'd never do that" or things like that, love is something that comes from your heart not your head.. so do what you want but close the other situation soon, at least in this way you will not be guilty and you will live your life as you want

Seems like a terrible idea. Good luck tho

Nothing is going to happen with the stripper. Don't break your girlfriends heart just because you are horny. Break up with her if you're starting to look at other girls man