Fallout 76 deserves a second chance
Like everyone else who was a diehard fallout fan when the game was announced I was super excited for an online fallout game only to be let down upon its release. I recently tried getting into it again because I heard it got better and much to my surprise I actually enjoyed myself. Maybe it’s just because I played with some friends but the whole game feels like the previous titles when you give it a chance. Plus the battle royale mode ain’t bad

Yeah it's pretty good now

Would love to try it but they kinds killed the canon for me for trying to introduce BoS the way they did

I never played but based off videos i’ve seen it looks too much like destiny. I may be wrong but i wish it had more of a fallout 4 look to it.

I played Fallout 76 it is a good game there just isn't alot of content and it gets boring pretty easily still alot of bugs in game for PS4 as well

It really doesn’t, they should have kept it as a single player entity. Fallout really died after New Vegas.

hmm i tried to play it again and it seems the same when they released it