Far Cry 6
Just saw the far cry 6 trailer... the story looks like its going to be pretty good. I bought all the far crys on sale last week in preperation to this. Check it out guys!

Any far cry fans? Who's your favorite villain? I'm not sure I have a favorite but Vaas seems to be the most profound right now.

Jacob Seed is my favorite villain!

Havent been fun since far cry3 tbh

The villain is gonna save it

The trailer was awesome, I’m totally looking forward to it!

Damn the trailer looks awesome!

Far cry 3 has to be the crowd favorite for sure. I just don't think the others catch the eye that well. Just finished 3 yesterday working on far cry 4 next.

My favorite villain is Vaas Montenegro, he is the best so far in the game and the others are just so dumb, at least he keeps reminding me about the definition of insanity LOL

My favorite villain is definitely Vaas

I fell in love with 2 when I was like 14/15 and I've played through every single one since, one of my favorite franchises and super excited for 6

I've only played Farcry 5 and that was really well done. Looking forward to the new one.