Fasted Running
I wanna lose some weight and improve my cardio by running for half an hour to an hour during the morning when the temperature is cool. Is it better to run on an empty stomach to further burn more fat or do I really need to fuel up on a bit of carbs first?

I would eat something light before running so you have a bit of energy. Any sort of cardio is good, but you should look into HIIT, seemed to work better for me atleast.

I'd suggest you take a snack before running, for the sake of your gastro intestine (i got bleed out once due to fasting)

I guess I do need to eat something, since I like to go all out as fast and as far as I can, then jog all the way back once I'm gassed out

Fasted cardio can work well, but don't use it all the time. Chuck it in every now and then if you fancy a challenge or just to shake things up a bit ?

no need for extra, thats just more to lose