Fastest way to lose weight?
I don't mean the unhealthy ways, I;d like to keep my muscles

I got a little more overweight then I wanted to and I slimmed down my belly fat while keeping my muscles by doing the following: *first I should say I was doing my normal workouts during this nothing special added to it* -but eat a high protein breakfest (so your not craving more food then you need throughout day), only drink water (a shit ton, especially before meals) and also tea or coffee because they boost matabalism, make sure you have a lot of fiber in diet, make sure you get enough sleep (seriously, sleep is a big factor in loosing weight surprisingly), and cut back on sugar I lost 30 lbs of fat getting me back to my normal bulk weight,
Also if you want to try it I don’t know to much about it but my friends have had success with intermediate fasting, I know it sounds unhealthy but it’s actually really healthy for you and some people feel better doing that, Id do some research into that.

[+] 1 user Likes Pryan's post
drink a lot of water and run

[+] 1 user Likes imfrankjordan88's post
Diet and exercise. Find what works for you Smile

Try only drinking alot of water or healthy juice
For 2 days

Agreed with drinking lots of water. If you just ate and youre still feeling hungry, drink more water instead.

diet's the biggest factor, watch those calories

The fastest way to lose weight is to stop eating anything unnecessary.

The healthiest way to lose weight is to lose weight slow so keep that in mind.

Just gotta hit the gym and keep your calorie intake low

Calorie deficit. Bigger deficit = faster weight loss.

yep its literally just calories in vs calories burned. very simple, but not easy. Find the best way to eat less and eat healthier FOR YOU. If one cheat day a week is what you need to eat right the other 6 days, thats better than eating super clean 7 days a week then saying screw it and quitting after a few weeks

measuring your calorie intake is a really good start