Fav Board/Tabletop Games
Once this COVID thing passes and people can get back together, what are some of your Fav Board/Tabletop games that you can not wait to start playing. Or even some new ones that have come out your are excited to try but have not been able to as of yet.

I myself have been looking at "Dont Let It Die" my friend said it was pretty good and looks interesting.

Honestly I'd just be glad to play D&D in person again. There's something about the in person DM experience that you just can't replicate online.

[+] 1 user Likes johntran12345's post
inteligência artificial não é mais matéria de ficção científica; ele se alojou na estrutura de nossa vida cotidiana – da Composição inteligente do Gmail a carros autônomos e software de reconhecimento facial. Os videogames não são exceção

[+] 1 user Likes Clubedoscanalhas's post
tenho que concordar com seu ponto de vista pois inteligencia artificial é uma coisa muito séria, que pode ser vista tanto como beneficio para sociedade, como maleficio, entao cuidado

I agree i have been doing D&D with my cousin and his daughter and some of their friends and it will def be more fun in person and cant wait for it.

Xenoshyft is a deck building/board game that I miss playing with friends

on my place we often play karambol

(26-04-2021, 12:29 AM)Tensaz87 Wrote: Once this COVID thing passes and people can get back together, what are some of your Fav Board/Tabletop games that you can not wait to start playing. Or even some new ones that have come out your are excited to try but have not been able to as of yet.

I myself have been looking at "Dont Let It Die" my friend said it was pretty good and looks interesting.

Zoom is no substitute for anything you could do in person, except meetings you don't really need to be in.

Gotta go with Liar's Dice, otherwise known as Perudo. Such a fun game, it's like poker with dice.