Favorite Romance/sex scene from games? and opinions on Miranda butt scenes change
I'm curious to know if what y'all fellow gamers think d:
Personally, I think the best romance scene was the Balloon scene from Assassin's Creed Unity between Arno and Elise, very underrated game by the way if you're looking for something to play
As for the best sex scene, I'd have to give it to Geralt and Triss especially in The Witcher 2 where things were.. spicier, they're amazing in the Third witcher also, saying this hurts since I'm on team Yennefer myself sadge
I'm also a huge Mass Effect fan and Miranda was my favorite girl there after Samara, but I'm not that upset about the ass scenes being changed, the romance scenes are still the same and I don't think it's such a big deal, what do you think?

[+] 1 user Likes thetatman's post
I can’t find the energy to be all that fussed about the camera changes of Miranda’s ass...

[+] 2 users Like Keris's post
There was an awkward but funny one in Heavy Rain!

[+] 2 users Like Helios78's post
I had the heavy rain/beyond two souls collection for the longest time and never got around to play it, only played beyond two souls, oh well

[+] 1 user Likes thetatman's post
Damn didn’t even know there were sex scenes in games

[+] 1 user Likes joachimlee's post
No there are, quite a few good ones too, The Witcher series and Mass Effect do a pretty good job at those

[+] 1 user Likes thetatman's post
The best sex scenes in a game were ones I initiated using a mod in Skyrim! Flowergirls. Very nice addon that fits in seamlessly, using existing NPCs.

I remember the first time I saw the arse scene in Mass Effect, and laughing cause of how silly it was, such obvious sort of gratuity. BUT, I hate them removing it, because it's a reflection of modern culture of wokeness and demonisation of males and the "male gaze" and "objectification" and the concept of beauty itself, all of which wokeness seeks to dismantle.

[+] 1 user Likes ObliteratedDelusion's post