Favorite dog breed
Whats your favorite? 
Mine is golden retriever

[+] 2 users Like LackuJacku's post
Hungarian viszlas are really charming, great energy and good for hunting ??

My favorite dog breeds are the big, fluffy, and innocent looking ones. So yeah golden retrievers are pretty great

Yup! Hungarian viszlas

golden retrievers hands downnn

chihuahua lol

Ive always had pitbulls. They are so lovable. Once I had one that though it was a freaking lap dog. Like 70lbs but would sit and sleep on your lap, it was ridiculous.

Dachshund is my favorite dog bred

I have two Great Dane's they are my favorite


RE: Favorite dog breed.

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german sheperd best

ridgeback or blue nose staffy.

has to be a black lab for me. always wanted one

I've always wanted a pitbull! Once I have my own place, I'm definitely getting one.

Definitely Shiba Inu!

I've always loved pitbulls and have only had good experiences with them. I would love to adopt one or two but I'm hella allergic ):

Weiner Dogs are top tier

Great Dane for sure.

my family has had a lot of different kind of belgian shepherds and they are all awesome... personally i had a malinois and she was the best dog ive ever met. so smart and friednly

chow chows are pretty cute