Favorite foreign film
With the way Parasite took the world by storm a few months back, a perfect opportunity has presented itself for non-Hollywood movies to catch the public eye. As such, I ask you what is your favorite foreign film, and if you would recommend it to a newbie.

In my case, I will go with the obvious choice: Léon: The Professional is not only one of my favorite foreign films, but also one of my favorite movies ever and I greatly recommend it to anyone.It's a fantastic film and cements France's status as one of the most proficient cultural producers since times immemorial. I also greatly enjoyed Koreeda's Shoplifters and El Topo by Jodorowsky, though I wouldn't recommend the latter to a newbie. Or anyone that's not a bit fucked in the head.

Audition was a favourite of mine. It's so dark

Train to Busan was awesome

Train to Busan for me too

The Hunt (2012) has always been my #1 foreign film, maybe even my favorite film ever.

Parasite is mine but I haven't seen many

Terminator, a very good movie

Oldboy (2003) is a great movie. It's brave to depect revenge in a very graphic way so not for everyone.

who am i (2014) is my favorite, it's best hacker film imho.

La Haine will probably always be my answer. Though Parasite is god damn amazing.

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Internal Affairs is really good. The departed was based off of it.

Internal Affairs from Hong Kong is such a classic. Also any Jet Li / Jackie Chan movie is worth watching