Favorite game of thrones character?
Anyone here watch game of thrones? Who’s your favorite character and least favorite?

[+] 2 users Like GoTfan1980's post
My favorite is Arya. Least favorite probably Euron Greyjoy, he is a great character in the books but a terrible one in the show.

My favourite character was Jon Snow and my least favourite was Cersei

I always had a soft spot for old Ned Stark

Hands down Ayra Stark Wink

Wow three replies and no Tyrion? Absolutely mental. Least favorite was Danereys. She was consistently bad at acting.

[+] 1 user Likes redd21's post
favorite was tyrion before they butchered my boy post season 5. after season 5 is was jamie then they fucking murdered him too. by the end of the show my favourite had to be stannis coz he got out early although they did butcher him too

[+] 1 user Likes mjtheking's post
Tyrion was the best!
Danny was annoying

+1 for Arya!

Tyrion and The Hound as for most hated I would definitely go for Stannis Baratheon

Arya Stark! actually like her assassin ending

Tyrion Lannister I think


Jon snow but they did him dirty

Favourite has to be jon for sure, or even brienne of tarth

Jamie lanister and Arya stark