Favorite letter in the alphabet?
What is your favorite letter in the alphabet?

the letter A

really scraping the bottom of the barrel for conversation here, and its not something ive thought about but im gonna go with "D"

i like the letter M

Late to the party but Q (capital) is pretty sick. It’s like O with a ponytail

Has to be A mate

lol wtf is this

Z because I like how British people say it

Dunno why but I’m into S.

Lilscottishguy Wrote:really scraping the bottom of the barrel for conversation here, and its not something ive thought about but im gonna go with "D"
Everybody loves the D

Probably O for me

The letter I without doubt

I'm partial to "O" myself but I've really started to appreciate "T" lately

the letter L always seems to be my favorite

Of course its G (but only capital)

The A is a good letter, but also the Y

It's hard to argue against the Disney script D

How has no one said X... I mean we all love XXX.

hmmm, probably X, like the guy above me

K is superior