Favorite martial art style
My favorite is muay thai. I like how versatile the muay thai is as you can use a lot of weapons like knees elbows clinches sweeps and of course punches and kicks. If we go further my favorite muay thai style is muay khao I love watching fighters like petchboonchu manipulate and control the clinch with knees while utilizing different techniques.

Me too mate, i feel like muay thai is the most versatile one

Muay thai decknately

taiy kown doe is really cool. i like how they focus on the legs and balance and the agility standard it has for all of its users

muay thai for me is the perfect balance of attack and self defense

It's probably BJJ. Grappling is very essential to the sport and proper BJJ is entertaining when they are not just lying there the whole time.

BJJ is one of the best bases to have for sure.