Favorite space game?
I have played Elite dangerous and Stellaris and was wondering what other games would be good to play. I enjoy the look of Elite. I can easily explore the galaxy but it gets boring finding nothing out there. Stellaris is fun but becomes easy about mid game because the A.I just shits itself and starts overcrowding their world and create no jobs or houses.

So what games do you guys recommend?

[+] 1 user Likes supraninja's post

Mass Effect, I'm hoping spacebourne will become a great game over time.

Yeah mass effect was great. Wished they had a spin off series where you are part of C-Sec and you hunt down criminals like in LA Noire

[+] 1 user Likes supraninja's post
I am looking forward to star citizen. I hope it finished soon

[+] 1 user Likes parcheesy's post
Does Terraria count as space game? lmao

If you have a few buddies, give Astroneer a try. It's a pretty chill space game that's mostly just for exploration.

Maybe try Rebel Galaxy Outlaw? I heard it is pretty good.

Astroneer has been great to play with friends, give it a shot

I like the X Series but i grew up with them

space enginers and no mans sky, they have really fixed that game and made it fun.

The first one I thought of was Prey, which is like Bioshock in space.  Excellent combat, unique weapons, puzzles, choice-based story.  They also added DLC for arena type survival. Highly recommend

[+] 1 user Likes kamikazekid's post
FTL: Faster than light was excellent and challenging id say

definitely elite dangerous as well

Mass Effect series, except for andromeda lol

for me defintely no man sky love graphic and so cozy

Stellaris is great but need to by played with a lot of mods. Civilization beyond world is not that bad also.

[+] 1 user Likes senna's post
It's probably dead by now but I had a great time playing shattered horizon a while ago, multi player space shooter with no gravity. They kind of killed the game's population after an update though.

Does starcraft count as a space game? if so, starcraft

100% Mass Effect