Favorite star wars game
My favorite star wars game has to be lego star wars the complete saga. It’s simple, fun and you can play all six the movies. What about you guys?

Agreed with legos

Knights of the old Republic. Old RPG very cool

og battlefront 2 was hella great

Definitely have to go with Knights of the old Republic 2 and Jedi Knight 2. So many memories playing the multiplayer of JK2 with my friends.

I can download the new star wars game from xbox gamepass , is it good ?

I just beat the fallen order and that game was really good I hope that they make another

legos is so much fun

While Kotor 1 & 2 were both great, and I have a soft spot for Jedi Academy, I have to say Republic Commando was my favorite. Would've love to have that game be longer or to get a few more games following squads of soldiers in Star Wars like that.

Favourite just because it's one of the few SW games I've played and a childhood blast, "Revenge of the Sith" on PS2. Hitting stuff felt meaty af

Mine is probably biased because of nostalgia.
But it is Battlefront II for PS2.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)

My favorite star wars game is SW Battlefront

Angry bird star wars

kotor kotor 2 and the old battlefront 2