Favorite type of coffee
For anyone else who is a bug coffee drinker, what is your favorite type? Light, medium, dark? Do you have a particular brand that you drink regularly?

[+] 1 user Likes nissyack's post
No coffee, hot chocolate !

[+] 1 user Likes zajmj's post
Honestly, I have to go with a latte machiatto here, I think it is the nicest coffe, I like the milk, however I will say that I do enjoy the coffee itself, while I don't necessarily enjoy an espresso I do love a weaker coffee.

Honesty, if you aren't a huge coffee fan then go for mocha, it is like a hot chocolate and coffee in one. Definitely a good place to start drinking coffee if you prefer hot chocolate. It also gives u the caffeine kick ofc.

Black coffe is strong, but capucino delixious

Capucino for life!

i like medium coffee