Favourite all time game
I want to hear your favourite games and why they are your favourite. Is it because of nostalgia? fun memories? or just a certain mechanic that made you fall in love with it?

[+] 1 user Likes BingoBongo86's post
I can't say for sure, but in terms of quality I definetely gotta say rdr2. It's quite literally a perfect game. From the graphics, to the story, to the world. I've sunk hundreds of hours into that masterpiece. Rockstar really outdid themselves in 2018. It's hard to believe it's already 3 years old.

[+] 1 user Likes YeaBoi213's post
Most definitely rdr2 , the game never gets old. There are endless things to do.

[+] 1 user Likes kylebuddha's post
Zelda Breath of the Wild for sure, mechanics and story are incredible but the game in general feels so well done and no aspect isn't cured to perfection. Also, the music works perfectly with the game, it never stops being fun

Big fan of skyrim

Huge fan of BF titles, mostly the old one. Bf2, bfbc2, and play4free was very nostalgic

Really hard to answer, maybe TES V or FF VII

portal 2, final fantasy 7

Metal gear solid 2 substance.. I have played it over and over for years

A tie between COD: Advanced Warfare and BF1. I love playing online with both, they're a ton of fun. After that would be Vice City.

Most likely Yakuza Kiwami 2. A remake of the original Yakuza 2 I found it to be a great game with a beautiful look to it and such a great story

sly cooper 3 or mgs 2

Destiny 1 during year 4 is the best game I have ever played. Incredibly fun and satisfying to play with friends, created many great memories.