Favourite open world game
Favourite open world game - go

For me it's Fallout. Been in love with it ever since I played the first game.

Some others I like:
Watch dogs
The Elder Scrolls/The Elder Scrolls Online
Cyberpunk (and no, I'd rather not get into a conversation about it)

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Ah yes, have you played Outside?

Witcher you should try or you can look JRPG's. They are very fun.

No, never have

Never got into The Witcher and not really a fan of JRPG's

Its gotta be GTA 4 or skyrim

Quote:Its gotta be GTA 4 or skyrim

Yeah, GTA 4 is pretty good but so 8s 5. I like how GTA 5 has 3 characters and you can switch between them and their stories  intertwine.

Skyrim is definitely cool. Certainly my fav out of all the Elder Scrolls games (well I only started playing from Morrowind onwards so don't know about the older games)

might be nostalgia, but Dragons Dogma - Dark Arisen holds a special place in my heart

I like GTA, too, at least the open world part. I hate the character movement and combat.

Cyberpunk 2077 has great character movement, but a less fun story. I want something that's a mix.

Wait you don't like the story, I think it Pretty cool (I haven't finished it yet). As for the characters, It seems like they thought a lot about them and they seem very 
fleshed out. Plus I love some of the dialog and how the character speak.