Fetishes You'll Never Understand?
As the title says, are there any fetishes you'll never understand? Though obviously if your fetish is brought up here, we aren't insulting you. To each their own. It's just something we won't understand.

For's scat. Like, waterworks I can ALMOST understand do to animal instincts but...what do you get out of scat!??????

one that its simple but u cant understand is foot fetiches

[+] 2 users Like mrnobody267's post
I dont understand preggo at all lol

[+] 1 user Likes John Hammer's post
Sounding or any hardcore violence or gore. Sounding because you're literally sticking a rod down your urethra and no violence or gore because obviously.

[+] 2 users Like Jason12315's post
Never heard of sounding before and i think i never want to hear about it again

[+] 1 user Likes kacam's post
Yeah seriously, don't look sounding up. You'll thank us later.

I honestly hate foot fetish and the femdom one. Who gets turned on by that?

Bondage and abuse. I hate it, it's super weird. Don't understand it at all

[+] 1 user Likes bobbybob bobbybob's post
I cannot understand how anyone can get satisfaction out of restricting their breathing by choking/hanging. Having  once been in a medical situation where I was gasping for air, it is beyond me.
                             Still,each to his own.

[+] 1 user Likes Blinkered87's post
I can never understand foot fetish, still dont know how will one be turned on seeing a foot.

Oh, I can explain the choking one.

I can understand how that would seem illogical, but from what I've heard the sensation of pleasure is enhanced when in a state of low oxygen. Still, obviously it's not for everyone. It's dangerous.

I too don't get the feet thing. Scat and piss stuff is just gross, I guess I can understand it in theory from the degradation side of things perhaps, but seriously, yuck.

Scat and piss are nasty and I will never understand it.

rape fetish that's disgusting man the piss one too like ewwwwwwwwwww

[+] 1 user Likes itachieuu's post
The foot and gore fetish. just thinking about it kinda weird¿¿

Scat disturbs me the most, but I can kind of understand why people like each fetish just not really agree with them.

[+] 1 user Likes nicejobman!'s post
Scat, foot, violence, cucking, we've said it all for me. I respect people who do it with knowledge about safety and hygiene, but not my thing. (But really, foot fetish is so less disturbing to me. They are kinda cute compared to fetishes I don't get because it actively perturbs me).

The one I'd like to point out tho if farts. Fart is scat with air and... I dunno it does nothing to me. I learned to find farts funny, and that goes nothing past there.
Discovered cakefart recently... What is it? Taking pleasure at having somebody you find attractive fart on a cake destined to you. I get that we like to fetishes things from the other, but that gets a bit specific and over-the-top according to my brain. But how is it that such a specific fetish is so... known about? That I can't get period.

For me, one fetish I don't think I'll ever understand is watersports. I have a friend who loves it and she tried to explain it to me on why she does and it just didn't make sense to me, to each their own i guess

[+] 1 user Likes BowsetteBoi's post
Bondage, r*pe fantasy, daughter stuff, and feet man. It’s all weird as hell

[+] 1 user Likes posybtw's post
Definitely dont get foot..... abuse is just weird too.