
[Fiji Indian] Natasha from Nadi.

This one I have "sampled" persoanlly. Met her in ice bar . 

A little on the chubby side but not camera shy. Pretty dumb if you ask me

[Image: 1562281381___natasha___StZIgeLbCC.jpg]

[Fiji Indian] Natasha from Nadi..

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  • tuneComments: 92(Click to expand)
    vvvv great amazing holy
    she looks beautiful
    Adding it up
    Link please
    okayyyyy lol
    good lucks man
    Not bad tbh......
    whos Natasha?
    • The message is too short. Please enter a message longer than 10 characters.
    Hiiiii good to kno
    Hottt nice work man
    10/10 would cum
    mn kjhbkjkjnjknkjn
    Hope this one works

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