Finding pron when doing It support
I am the tech savy people in my family and group of friends which leads to me being the first person they call when they want free tech support. This unfortunately led to me running into my cousin's porn stash and a friends porn stash. My friend is kinda hot so I didnt mind but my cousin's stuff was a little cringe. In both cases I laughed it off and quickly changed the subject but I was wondering if maybe I could have handled it better.
Have other people had similar experiences and if so how did you handle it?

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lol i think it depends on how well they treat you/ you like them. I mean you could expose their fetishes/ blackmail or just ignore and carry on with not being judgmental. OR you can tease them a lil as a joke. I mean its kinda w/e since everyone watches porn right?

Yes, it depends, in which PC you found it and also where do you find them. Some people doesn't hide it at all.
Generally I don't speak about that even though sometimes I'm disgusted by some people's fetishes.

My roommates never hid them. They actually bragged about them.

I decided to never judge another person kink, burping nopor is still quite weird tho, i can't forget that

Normally i wouldnt even react to it. Unless it's a good friend and i could throw some joke Smile