First program you made yourself?
What was the first code you wrote to make something for yourself? (no hello world tutorial etc.. )
I made a really simple IRC bot. Remember I was so happy when it first worked.

honestly, i believe the first program i made was a very slow hash cracker in 2010, it could do dictionary attacks and brute force

For me, I did the exchange rate calculator with java fx last 5 years ago.

my first program was auto transferring data from xls to database.
I don't if I was happy that day or not, cuz I learn it from youtube.. ahahaha

A star racer back in the glory days of DOS. Then I discovered mode 13h and the rest is history.

First program was a pron downloader bypassing the verification check for premium account on WBW haha.

discord bot. to check if anyone up for some dota Big Grin recycling code originally for voting and stuff

A discord bot for some simple commands. Boring stuff.

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A calculator for extra credit in my chemistry class that calculated some kind of chemistry formula I forgot the name. It was fun though.

My first programm was an additional Login screen for Windows.

Calculator using visual basic.

I was programming in apple basic in 1984 on a apple iic

I made a program to find all the combination of words for a given set of letters.