First programming language
What was everyone's first? Any regrets about learning that one first?

(06-08-2023, 07:23 AM)savedate Wrote: What was everyone's first? Any regrets about learning that one first?

C++ - everything after that was a doddle.

plain C - it depends on what you want to focus on. For me I don't regret it.

Plain C as well

Mine was Microsoft BASIC, no regrets, there was no other choice at the time, haha. Then VB which was better, c#, Java and then Python.
My only regret... Python wasn't around 40 years earlier! Smile

I started with python, got a little bit into R for a statistics class. I’m still nowhere near proficient and with chatgpt helping, it’s made it easier to avoid learning because I can just ask it to make a code snippet for me.