Foot fetishists - can you explain the reason behind your fetish?
I personally do not have a foot fetish, but I would like to understand more about it. What is it about feet that you find so attractive? Is it only certain feet (just like some have a boob preference)?

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i have no clue man, just like i have no idea why i like boobs. but yeah it does depend on the person, I've seen some ugly ass feet that some guys have claimed to be beautiful. it's weird.

i actually enjoy foot fetish content but not the foot fetish itself. Sites that focus on the foot fetish like foot fetish daily have (what i think) to be the best angles for pictures. Many professional galleries are just.. meh no matter how hot the girl is. I dont know why or how but many of their sets just do it for me no matter how many times ive seen them before. Theres lots of spreading in different ways with the feet as the main focus but for some reason having the foot as the focus changes the whole feel of the photoshoot for me. As long as it isnt just a pic of feet, its usually a gold mine for me and a happy day when i find more quality galleries.

I do have foot fetish, but can't explain why I like them lol.

I wonder if they just like feet or it has to specifically be feet belonging to a specific gender. If so can they tell if it's a girl's feet or guy's feet from the feet themselves?

Foot fetishist here, I know this thread is long since dead but I came across it, you guessed it, looking for foot content, lol.

So, what is the reason behind my foot fetish?
To start, I have a foot fetish for women's feet specifically. I've encountered men online who have a general foot fetish and likes men's feet as well as women's, which those people boggle my mind. So, for me personally I'll be honest, it has a lot to do with my general sexual fetish which is to give as much pleasure to a woman as possible. Women are more sexually sensitive, and if you really do your job right and get them into an orgasmic high, every part of their body induces what I all orgasmic tremors.

So, staying with this theme, women's feet tend to be well taken care of, smell, and taste lovely compared to other parts of their body in many cases. I will never understand the foot fetishists who like women's feet dirty, or covered in urine or fecal matter. That disturbs me.

Women's feet for the longest time have had a kind of taboo about them, women are shy about their feet because they think it's the ugliest part of their body. In actuality I find I learn more about a women by how she cares for her feet as the feet from a health standpoint define how the rest of your body parts function to a degree. Posture, limb functionality, and many other factors depend on how well you stand and move.

From a romantic standpoint, rubbing a woman's feet seems romantic as it's seen as demeaning, and a man willing to demean himself seems even manlier in many women's eyes to some degree or another. Some women will find it pathetic however.

Idk, you can see I've put a lot of thought into this, and some of my favorite porn just for the sheer amount of passion that tends to appear is lesbian foot worship, especially some of the Brazilian ones out there that get super kinky.