For those who follow politics? Do you think Trump is running again in 2024?
He seems likes he's going to drag it out and keep himself relevant throughout the next few years. Eventually running again. What do you think?

Difficult to say..

If our government is actually working aka checks and balances.. He will be indicted.

Just to name a few...

- Trump Russian Scandal
- Trump Ukraine Scandal
- Tax Evasion

Even if they don't prosecute leaking information and strong arming our enemies.. Tax Evasion is a federal offense.

If nothing happens, we know that the government has failed us Americans.

They stopped him from doing anything for 4 years. They'll fuck it up now, so he has to run again.

He's never going to get indicted. You try indicting a president of United States. He's going to run and seek refuge in another country. Trump is a business man. He has connection in every parts of the world.
Russia, China will welcome him with open arms. Think about all the secret he knows about the united States. Do you really want that to go to another country.

yeah no way they indict him unfortunately. I doubt he runs again. More likely one of his kids runs

Man, that dude has way to many people coming after him after he leaves office to try and run again. And if somehow he wins in 2024 if he runs, then it’ll show that our government is the weirdest, fucked up system on this planet

I think he going to find himself hiding quite a lot.

I guarantee he runs again, and will get the party nomination

I think we're in for harris v trump in 2024

I believe he will run again, really no reason not to

I will leave the country if he gets anywhere near politics

he needs to face the 4 or so lawsuits that is waiting for him after his presidency. He will still be relevant for 2022 and 2024

I certainly think he tries to run in 4 years. I wonder more if in 4 years he will have the same support he does now. Will his shtick still work in 4 years? Will people move on to other things? I'm really curious how the Republican party moves forward. I think you will see a battle in the party between those who want to go back to the older ways and those who want to be the next Trump. Who wins that battle? If there is a new "Trump" does Donald beat them as the O.G. Trump or will people like the newer "Trump" better? A lot can happen in 4 years.