Foul baiting in the NBA
What do y'all think about all the foul baiting going on in the NBA?

I personally think it's stupid as fuck and it's crazy how the league lets players get away with that shit.

I've always thought the league needs to re-do fouls in the game anyway. The amount of time spent with fouls that aren't really fouls is ridiculous. I say, only call them if they actually impede the ability to score. If you get tapped on the way to the hoop and you still score, it shouldn't be a foul. NBA games would be about an hour long if they cut that crap out of each game.

I think they should also be able to yellow card players for flailing around during games. Get two in a game and you're out. These guys are professionals, but some of them don't act like it.

a lot of sports now a days have too many foul baiting and flopping incidences but what can you do lol dumb shit that gets your the dub regardless

It’s always been part of the game but now it’s like kindergartener rules

not a fan of it, so easy for the offensive player to just jump into a defender. I rather watch the ball move and not a dude at the free throw line

I hate it because it doesn't really take too much skill to simply jump into someone, now granted some of them are pretty smart with it but when you see players literally making it as obvious as possible, it's sad to see