Free overcooked 2 on epic games
not sure if i can link these things, but you can just search up overcooked on epic games and add it to your library, don't even need to download it immediately!
although their platform is kinda garbage, a free game is a free game Wink

[+] 1 user Likes Bug Catcher Welly's post
Game is pretty fun with friends although it can get the Mario Kart vibes where you all want to kill each other.

OC2 is so amazing.

thanks bro. got it

So worth it downloading epic just to grab the freebies every week. My library is close to 1.5x the size of my like 10yo steam library.

Thanks for the tip!

Yo thanks! Me and my friends have been wanting to play this for a while

Great game to play with friends.

Thanks I’ll look into it.

been screamin at each other playin this game bruh.
