Future of VR
Hey Guys,

was just wondering what is your opinion about the future of VR. You think there will be no PC in the future?

Pc will be there for sure, but VR will be the future of gaming , i think its good as we will be moving so good for our health too.

Stadia is/was a look into the future of what gaming may become, remote processing units in a subscription base model and most likely will in the future include VR as the main hub but I think it may be another 5 to 10 years before we see some commercially buyable and usable devices

Stadia was perfectly fine on a technical standpoint. Well, not for VR but still. The main problem is that it also depends on ISPs. As long as they will be slowing down traffic and ramping up prices, nothing about streaming will ever truly take off. That and Google needed to provide a bit more content long-term.^^

VR on the other hand is clearly a future I can see go plain mainstream. Unlike experiments of the past, it's starting to be ready. Understanding of the human brain (sickness in game design) is far enough for it to make good experiences, tech is far enough to offer decent to good graphics, 3D (of course) and wireless VR. And unlock 3D TVs (which should've become the norm instead of a pricy fad...), VR is getting into its second generation with still a bit of steam to go. It "can" become a thing as long as it goes a bit down in price and standardizes itself a bit to make it intuitive for non-tech-savvy people.

Gentlemen, I got two words for you VR porn.
Thank you I rest my case.
Cue "internet is for porn" music.

VR will be much better in the future. The cost of the equipment is a constraining factor right now but eventually VR will be more readily accessible.

If we are thinking of VR in terms of genre (Ei. first person games) we have a lot more to explore.

VR headsets will become a more common screen/monitor. Though I do think that screens like in Minority Report will be used as well.

I do think games and other media will get more interactive in terms of incorporating our other senses.

I think AR is going to become more of a thing than VR until we get to something more perfectly simulated. AR is a virtually unexplored place and is more commercially viable for large-scale entertainment whilst VR is almost exclusively a singeplayer experience.

In general AR and VR will be massive parts of gaming in the future respectively. It will be big on all platforms imo.