GPU Shortage
This GPU shortage is insane. Does anyone know if this is ever going to end?

I've been trying to get a rtx 3060ti or 3070 or 3080 for the past year with no luck. Every time there is some stock, it gets all bought by bots within 5 minutes.

My friend managed to get a 3060TI a couple of months ago. He had luck like no other. I read today that the shortage on cards won't be solved until Q3 2021 :/ its because Samsung is fucking with some microchips that almost all GPUs need. Allot of errors from their factories and also COVID is ruining everything.

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I luckily got a 3080 at microcenter but its a grind for sure

Yeah its insane there is no way to get one

I've tried so many things to get a rtx 3060ti but it doesnt't works, because most of them are using bots

Ugh, it sucks. I've been trying to buy one for months!!?!! Ridiculous!!?! Wish they would get it together. Sad Sad Sad

I've been trying to buy a 3080 and it sounds like it's going to get worse before it gets better. the 40 series will probably be out before they sort there shit out

ye scalpers suck ass