Does anyone know any official news about gta six or an estimated release date?

Not for a long long time. GTA V is still played alot today with money made through microtransactions. doubt we will see GTA 6 for atleast a few more years.

I think they will just keep expanding on gta 5 for a few more years

I think it will be a few years off yet, based off the pattern of launches

Man at this rate seems as though the next generations will be growing up with the same game btw what was your first gta? Mine was 4 and I still love it to this very day

There is little left on the pattern

I think the fact that rockstar are re-releasing GTA V for ps5 and series x shows that it wont be anytime soon unfortunately

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PlayStation said that GTA6 wwill come with PS5
But no one know that is true or not

that will take a lot time, its kinda sad but i hope it gonna be good

i wonder too but i dont think they leave the game at all Sad

They are going to keep milking gta5 for a while longer

We are definitely years away but I'm expecting Miami

I wouldn't get excited about it until an actual game trailer comes out

it got delayed till the next year

GTA V sells really well so rockstar has almost no reason to develop and release VI
but i thought rockstar has once said that they would not release any series of GTA when Trump is still in white house
so maybe little hope there would be..?

I'd say expect a confirmation in the next 5 years. Considering they're releasing gta5 again it might be more

Rockstar marches to the beat of their own drum. No real info yet.

I doubt gta 6 will be coming anytime soon

Will come out for pc 1 year after like they did for RDR2

they will milk gtav 4 every penny b4 releasing next 1