GTA 6 / Elder Scrolls
It's been such a long time since these games first debuted. This might be the first time ever, where a game (let alone 2) has had an official release on THREE different consoles.

I've heard rockstar execs have said that the creator for GTA 6 hasn't even been born yet. Were they joking?? I've never heard of a game company make such a blatant statement like this before.

My question I'd like to pose is this.. 

Which game do you think comes out first. The sequel to the elder scrolls series, or the sequel to the GTA series?

Part 2, When do you think your choice for first release will actually come out. Give a full date to the exact day.

Part 3, which one would you PREFER to come out first, and why?

I think GTA 6 will probably come out first, and it'll be announced late 2023 releasing in 2024 (the popular opinion). I really want gta 6 to release first just for the open world intractability. We can already do so much on a beautiful city in GTA 5, a game that released in 2013 on an old physics/game engine. Imagine what could be done with modern day hardware

We can already do so much on a beautiful city in GTA 5, a game that released in 2013 on an old physics/game engine. Imagine what could be done with modern day hardware

Probably GTA 6. No way we see a new elder scrolls before 2023.
And if we still have no GTA 6 by then, they should fuck themselves and put their shark cards into their ass



They Will probably Milk out the last drop of gta v in the distans future of 2024. Then they Will release a new one 2026

Probably neither, or whenever hell freezes over