Game stop stocks
Imagine losing billions of dollars to a bunch of Reddit apes that all pushed a button lmao.  Apes together strong.

I just hope that hedge funds "bad" position is not being overblown by the meme/hype.
Also I hope WSB eventually comes back to normal, I liked that sub

Some people will make a lot of money from that. A lot will lose. It's just another pump and dump, except no one's dumping until Melvin goes under

Keep buying peeps

Kinda ridiculous how all this is happening, I bought $100 worth and riding it till the end, hold the line

Wonder if I should hop on that train too, nothing to lose amirite

The guys who started the whole thing were really smart and did their homework. It actually started last October, but just recently went viral etc. due to the numbers finally hitting the tipping point and many people jumping on the bandwagon. IMO the hedge funds and heavy shorters should lose sometimes. They have been manipulating the market for years. Bit of Karma.

I like the stock

The story about gamestop is fucking crazy but RIP people who has been scam xdd