Games that sucked you in for the pussy, stayed for the story
Obvious first entry is Nier: Automata. Busted so many loads to 2B I figured id give it a try and then spent 121 hours running a completionist route, the story is breathtaking man. Love how you can complete a quest during different "ending" cycles, say finish Emils Memories as 9S in ending C, and he laments a bit about missing 2B. Lots of passion into making that game. Any others?

Can't think of any that wasn't a porn game at it's core...^^ Nier:Automata I would've, if I wasn't already a fan of the franchise from when the protagonist was a guy. :p

Harem Heroes is my go-to for now. F2P so story is going slow, but it starts cliché, grows funny, gets to stupid lows and epic highs. Real shonen vibes in that one.

But I think I'm more of a basic guy, I play, get familiar with some character, then I seek pussy of them. Rarely the reverse...

[+] 1 user Likes DennisArtart's post
Mostly it's Gacha games or otherwise. Granblue for example I had always seen Narmaya, but then got into the mobile game and found out how fun it was, how good all the characters were, and how generous the devs can be sometimes.

[+] 1 user Likes LewdingGold's post
For sure fellas, Id die without rule34 lol. Any thoughts on the new/remastered Nier?

I just hope it will be at least on par with games of the same year as far as graphics go. NieR (and Drakengard) have always been wonderful in every way but the graphics. And that's a bit of a shame...^^

[+] 1 user Likes DennisArtart's post
Thats a fair expectation. Kinda wish they stuck with Yonha being Nier's daughter instead of the sister, but oh well. I was a huge mw2 fan, just torrented the remastered campaign. Hoping its worth 50fucking gigs lmao

There's an H game called long live the princess. I got it for the H, stayed for the actually decent plot.