Games you can keep playing for a long time?
What are some games that it's hard to get bored of, and why?

Honestly, it’s basic but Minecraft. If you go into servers your not going to get bored specifically hypixel

Ark Survival theres always so much to do!

Albion online, basically because it has a lot of activities to do and the freedom it gives you; multiple options for large-scale content, pvp and pve; professions you can follow/do as fisherman, hunter, lumberjack and others......

Not to mention that you are not stuck to something predefined (class), you can change your class changing weapons and armor to your liking; ex: ice mage with tank armor

[Image: 220px-Ico_cover_-_EU%2BJP.jpg]

this game. beauty

Minecraft for me. Or fortnite

Fortnite, cs go, lol

Fortnite or GTA

Fortnite or warzone works for me mate

I've played league close to 10 years now and I am still playing it a lot


wooahh I can play crossfire forever