Games you would want to be ported or remade?
There's a couple of games from the ps2 that I would love to be remade or ported into the newer systems, but for me the main one is MK Shaolin Monks. I had so much fun playing with siblings, I wish they made similar MK games like that instead of the usual ones.

Metal Gear Solid 1 and Silent Hill 1.

[+] 1 user Likes kailar.drevion's post
I have always wanted Ultima Online remade, i think its skills system was amazing and would love to see it implemented in a modern game

[+] 1 user Likes Tensaz87's post
I would love a remake of F-Zero

[+] 1 user Likes Mrbig1990's post
I know this is a hot take, but assassins creed unity now that there's newer technology. The coop could've been extremely fun, but it was incredibly buggy. Working with your friends to do silent takedowns and infiltrate undetected, I think if it got reworked or remade to fit newer technology and the bugs were taken care of, it'd honestly be one of the funnest coop games out there.

[+] 1 user Likes Kai Gaming's post
Oh, let it be Fable the Lost chapters!

Jet Set Radio Future and Halo 3

csgo to source 2 would be nice.

League of legends, totally remove any chata and. Pings lol

Pokemon diamond and pearl, but hey its coming out this year.

I'd love to see a remake of Personas 1 through 3, now that the series seems to have settled into a nice little niche. I'd also take any of the older Megaten games, and remasters/remakes of older SRW/SD Gundam games (assuming they get Western releases).

Age of Mythology should be remasterized i think and a NFSU 2 remade!!!!!

residnet evil 1 we have 2 and 3 remake i hope they do 1 to but i dought it.

I'd love to see Skyrim for the 20th time

True crime streets of new york