Gaming console
I’m in the market for a new gaming console and can’t decide. I’m mostly into playing COD kind of games as well as fifa and nba 2K. Any suggestions on the best one to buy (Xbox, PS, anything else)?

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next gen consoles will be released in 2 years it will be ground breakign work

New Xbox and Playstation are coming holiday 2020 so if you going to get a console now get a used one on the cheap.

Definitely PS. They won this generation by a landslide.

Tumble44 Wrote:I’m in the market for a new gaming console and can’t decide. I’m mostly into playing COD kind of games as well as fifa and nba 2K. Any suggestions on the best one to buy (Xbox, PS, anything else)?
Wait til next year for the new Xbox

I'd go for the Xbox One. If you like online gaming, Xbox Live services are leagues ahead of Sony (especially outside of the US), and with Xbox Game Pass you can try out a bunch of games for free before you even have to sign up for the service. The controller is also great for shooters. It's subjective but the PS4's analogs feel all wrong to me.

Take a craigslist ps4 for now and wait for next gen

I started with xBox and changed to PS4 pro now, i guess its the best!

Xbox owner for a decade never regretted it

wait for next gen next year

wait for PS5, september 2020

playstation >>>>

wait for next gen bro!

at this point just wait it out

PS5 for sure, bought the xbox as my last console and regret it not being able to play the exclusive ps games like last of us...

Wait for next gen playstation

The Xbox 1X is god tier with the speed and the operating system is IMO way better. Plus you have the game pass so you can try tons of new games for cheap.

Get whatever one you like the exclusives for. Honestly, I've used both extensively, and it's not much of a hardware race any more.

definitely playstation