Gaming industry
Anyone get tired of the gaming industry already? Bunch of cashgrabs and unfinished games. I miss the days when you could 100% rely on a triple A company to deliver at least a decent game. But now most of them deliver unfinished products, bugged out of its mind and content blocked by countless paywalls. Im glad piracy exists and the whole demographic will shift towards it eventually. Im also glad of indie teams, theres some good titles out there that really show up the passion behind being a developer.

You are not the only one. They will release unfinished games then fix it later, that is the norm now for this industry. 
The one I noticed about western games is that they tend to have same vibes or some kind of similar writing, I notice this the most in God of War Ragnarok. Odin is equivalent of Zeus in Norse paganism call his former wife "Ex" like seriously?? And the gods doesn't speak like gods at all you can tell. Look at the first three god of War games and watch how gods spoke.